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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Albasha Greek and Lebanese Resturant, Shreveport

Albasha is on Youree drive and has an excellent lunch special. I have tried a couple of greek places here in town and they have the best food. The Gyros and salads are awesome. The Hummis is to die for. Very well made dishes all the times I have been there. The service is excellent as well. Will have to try a dinner there sometime. I am sure they will live up to expectation there too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

2 Johns Bossier City

Dinner last night at 2 Johns resturant in Bossier City was not quite up to the hype. I was optomistic about the dinner as I read the reviews and found that the Executive Chef was from Superior (Our favorite so far here in town.) But I was dissapointed in the complete dining experience. We had some good stuff mixed in with some not so good stuff. The wait staff was very good, that was a highlight. The wine list was solid, it had a decent amount of wines served by the glass. Prices were in the range that you would expect from a high end resturant. The starters were Calamari and Quail BBQ. Clamari was done very well, not with a traditional marinara sauce, but had an Asian sauce instead. Very nice. The Quail BBQ was also nice. Quail served over some grits with a non traditional bbq sauce. It was put together well. We then had a crab and corn chowder and their chopped salad with balsalmic vinegerette. Not impressive at all. Chowder was bland and the vinegerette was overpowering. Main dishes were Beef Oscar (Chef Special) and a Ribeye with sauted mushrooms. The Beef Oscar had more problems with it than good parts. The potatoes were cold, the asparagus was raw and the shrimp was way over cooked. The fillet was cooked perfectly and the hollandaise sauce had good flavour, but was so sparce on the plate. Would have wanted more with the dish, especially since everything on the plate gets billed seperately, including the hollandaise. The Ribeye was of a grade that you would find at any steakhouse in the city. With the prices, I would have expected a better grade of meat. We did try to wrap up our meal with a nice Berry Brulee. This did not turn out so good. There is one thing that will kill a brulee, which is not a very hard dessert to make, you never want to serve a brulee with the sugar burned on top. That will kill it fast and the taste lingers in your mouth. As you can tell, the experience was not what I had hoped. If you have money to throw away, then by all means try this spot out. If you dont, then keep your money handy and try something else.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wine Country Bistro

Todays lunch spot was Wine Country Bistro on Line Ave. A cute little place that is overpriced for what you get. I by all means have no issue paying for a good meal, but I dont like spending a lot of money on average. This meal was just that average. It started with the bread. It was basic, cold and stale. I dont eat a lot of bread, but I do know good bread and bad. The soups were solid, probable the best part of the meal. Had a french onion and a roasted tomatoe. Great flavors in the tomatoe soup, nice little kick of spice on the pallet. Not too spicey, but enough to keep it interesting. French Onion soup was good, its hard to mess this up. Cheese was melted correctly and not too much bread in it. For our entree, we had Smoked Duck salad and Crispy Gulf Shrimp BLT. The duck was served cold on a bed of greens with a very nice light dressing. The duck had a smokey flavour that really overpowered the duck and the dish. If you didnt know it was duck, it could have been anything. The Shrimp BLT was a bit better, but still just average. It was a good symphony of flavour, but as you disected the dish, the shrimp was heavily breaded to make it look bigger than it was. The shining light of the visit to the bistro was the bar and the wine shop out back. Awesome...... A great selection of wines and cheeses. One nice side effect of my lunch was the 10% discount they gave me in the wine shop for having purchased a meal. I guess I got some of my money back. I wouldnt recommend the Wine Country Bistro for a meal, But I would reccomend it for a nice place to have a glass of wine and some cheese. Nice thing is, you can just stop by and pick some up for home....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dining around the USA or beyond

Looking for dining experiences from anywhere. Tell me about the hot spots and the not spots. Help others find the hidden gems or the stay away from at all costs.

Talk About Dining Out: Tell us about it

Talk About Dining Out: Tell us about it: "If you have had a dining experience in the Shreveport / Bossier City area tell me about it.  Good or bad it doesnt matter. "