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Friday, February 18, 2011

Wine Country Bistro

Todays lunch spot was Wine Country Bistro on Line Ave. A cute little place that is overpriced for what you get. I by all means have no issue paying for a good meal, but I dont like spending a lot of money on average. This meal was just that average. It started with the bread. It was basic, cold and stale. I dont eat a lot of bread, but I do know good bread and bad. The soups were solid, probable the best part of the meal. Had a french onion and a roasted tomatoe. Great flavors in the tomatoe soup, nice little kick of spice on the pallet. Not too spicey, but enough to keep it interesting. French Onion soup was good, its hard to mess this up. Cheese was melted correctly and not too much bread in it. For our entree, we had Smoked Duck salad and Crispy Gulf Shrimp BLT. The duck was served cold on a bed of greens with a very nice light dressing. The duck had a smokey flavour that really overpowered the duck and the dish. If you didnt know it was duck, it could have been anything. The Shrimp BLT was a bit better, but still just average. It was a good symphony of flavour, but as you disected the dish, the shrimp was heavily breaded to make it look bigger than it was. The shining light of the visit to the bistro was the bar and the wine shop out back. Awesome...... A great selection of wines and cheeses. One nice side effect of my lunch was the 10% discount they gave me in the wine shop for having purchased a meal. I guess I got some of my money back. I wouldnt recommend the Wine Country Bistro for a meal, But I would reccomend it for a nice place to have a glass of wine and some cheese. Nice thing is, you can just stop by and pick some up for home....

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