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Sunday, February 20, 2011

2 Johns Bossier City

Dinner last night at 2 Johns resturant in Bossier City was not quite up to the hype. I was optomistic about the dinner as I read the reviews and found that the Executive Chef was from Superior (Our favorite so far here in town.) But I was dissapointed in the complete dining experience. We had some good stuff mixed in with some not so good stuff. The wait staff was very good, that was a highlight. The wine list was solid, it had a decent amount of wines served by the glass. Prices were in the range that you would expect from a high end resturant. The starters were Calamari and Quail BBQ. Clamari was done very well, not with a traditional marinara sauce, but had an Asian sauce instead. Very nice. The Quail BBQ was also nice. Quail served over some grits with a non traditional bbq sauce. It was put together well. We then had a crab and corn chowder and their chopped salad with balsalmic vinegerette. Not impressive at all. Chowder was bland and the vinegerette was overpowering. Main dishes were Beef Oscar (Chef Special) and a Ribeye with sauted mushrooms. The Beef Oscar had more problems with it than good parts. The potatoes were cold, the asparagus was raw and the shrimp was way over cooked. The fillet was cooked perfectly and the hollandaise sauce had good flavour, but was so sparce on the plate. Would have wanted more with the dish, especially since everything on the plate gets billed seperately, including the hollandaise. The Ribeye was of a grade that you would find at any steakhouse in the city. With the prices, I would have expected a better grade of meat. We did try to wrap up our meal with a nice Berry Brulee. This did not turn out so good. There is one thing that will kill a brulee, which is not a very hard dessert to make, you never want to serve a brulee with the sugar burned on top. That will kill it fast and the taste lingers in your mouth. As you can tell, the experience was not what I had hoped. If you have money to throw away, then by all means try this spot out. If you dont, then keep your money handy and try something else.

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